Last Update of this page: 02.06.2008 01:30 CET
CURRENT STATUS: 90.415 EUR potential investments and donations registered via FINNJETweb, 22 voluntary crew members for the transfer crossing registered |
On Tuesday FINNJET was stopped outside Jeddah for further negotiations and investment collecting plans set up by a group of investors from Turku. Until the end of the week, the amount of 8.8 Million Euros needs to be achieved and transfered to the Arabian owners in order to abort the scrap plans and get FINNJET back home. FINNJETweb has up to now received investment and donation requests worth of more than 50.000€ and furthermore 7 voluntary crew members would work on board for the transfer to Finland for free! We could be getting somewhere if more big investors can be convinced. Place your bids today! (See form below).
FINNJET was renamed "Kingdom" and left Jeddah (Saudia Arabia) for Mumbai (India) for scrap in the nearby shipbreaking yards in Alang on Sunday 25th May 2008. The current owners are only willing to accept cash offers, as is/where is. The cost of returning FINNJET home to Finland are therefore relatively high because of the transfer time. Together with USShipbrokers, FINNJETweb is now putting the final wheels in motion. THE SHIP IS AVAILABLE FOR ROUGHLY 7 mln EUR. Its amazingly cheap for what it is and its value remains the same for the next decades, the risk of a value loss is not existing anymore.
Everyone can be an Investor! If we find just 100 persons or companies willing to pay 70.000€ (a 1% share), the ship could be aquired already! Everyone needs to work together here, otherwise this project cannot be completed and Finnjet will be scrapped. What benefits would it bring for an investor to buy a share of Finnjet? The idea would be for example to have a residency on board for free at all times, if the Hotel/Museum ship project in Espoo or some other town in Finland should be realized. Of course also profits of the project would be then split up among the investors.
I stated in the last news article already, how many possible uses there are for the ship. The static role minimizes the operational costs of the vessel and makes it easy to make money with it, if only the harbour costs can be kept zero.
A further great help would be crewing on a voluntary basis for the transfer. Have you worked on board and have experience and interest in keeping the ship alive? Then also contact us. One of the biggest problems for many investors is the problem of crewing the ship for the transfer and its costs. CONTACT US!
We/I want to help to SAVE GTS FINNJET:
Dear Shipping-Companies and Ship Brokers,
The GTS FINNJET is one of the most famous passenger- and carferries in the world. For 28
Why is an amazing ship like FINNJET available at such a low cost? The explaination is simple: NO compareable ship of similar age exists, compared to other 28-year old passenger-ships Finnjet is just up to date! Few ship brokers and operators consider this. Of course also Finnjet's gas turbines play an important role, because operators are afraid the ship cannot be run economically with them. Anyway here are ways to solve the problem:
Any of these measures helps to minimize the MAIN problem of the ship: Fuel consumption. However, the ship IS good and - because of the fuel problem - cheaply available. An additional investment in one of the upper options is a clever way of helping the ship to become a success-story more easily also in your fleet! Last but not least I still want to express my and my website's support for any possible future operator of this ship, as long as they keep up the spirit of this famous "lady". I hope I could at least reduce some of the usual prejudices against this special ship. For further information on the ship you can explore my website, drop a mail or contact Silja Oy AB/SeaContainers Ltd. directly. Why am I doing this? Because I love the ship as many others also do and I'm sure this ship is by far not yet ready for the Red Sea or India... I know that there are people reading my site who do have the ability to SAVE FINNJET! I count on you! Best Regards, PS: Quoting a site visitor, "please don't change her name - that's history". I'm anyway sure, at least in the case of Fjordline, GTS Fjordjet would be also fine ;-) |
© Mathias Saken 2001-2008